Wow, what a week and I'm one sore homie. On Wednesday "Big Poppa" Pulley invited me to work out with him on Thursday in what he described to be an intense arm and shoulder workout that could possibly put me on the shelf missing the next couple of consecutive workouts. Reluctantly, I accepted his invite as I stand learn a lot from him and as they say, What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Well I'm obviously writing this, so I must be stronger, not only that but I have yet to miss a workout (knock on wood). My right knee is a little sore which may be due to more cardio than normal this week. Did I mention that Thursday was a double workout in which I ran in the morning and then lifted on my lunch break? The lunch session consisted of running the stack as well as pyramid-structured circuits on several arm and shoulder exercises. To top it off I was up and down on a ladder Saturday night for about two and a half hours replacing light fixtures. Needless to say, I may be seeking the services of a massage therapist in the near future to work out a few kinks but otherwise I feel great.
At the suggestion of BPP himself, I took in a showing of the documentary, "Pumping Iron" in the comfort of my own family room Friday night. I recommend this movie to anyone who is just beginning weight training, has been weight training for sometime or is looking to begin weight training. Not only is the movie inspirational, Schwarzenegger is hilarious in his natural state as a 28 year-old body builder. I cannot however, speak for the "Governator" of today.
Points of interest for Week 7:
- No workout is complete without 3 particular songs from the Rocky IV soundtrack.
- In my own mind, I could whip anyone in a foot race if "Hearts on Fire" is playing on my iPod.
- Again, free days shouldn't be switched.
- Protein Waffles
- Whole Wheat Spaghetti and Trader Joe's meatless Meatballs
- 2nd Breakfast- Egg white omelet with skillet fried potatoes, peppers and onions all garnished in Rojo's salsa and Frank's Red Hot Sauce.
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