Monday, January 28, 2008

Week 3

Well, not a lot to say here. I'm definitely seeing physical changes and all is well. Not a whole lot new to report. What did I learn in week 3?

  1. My legs are capable of much more than I have given them credit for.
  2. Baked apple and cottage cheese = Yuck
  3. Use your cottage cheese wisely.
  4. Even on a diet, I can't seem to keep peanut butter in the house.
  5. Kirkland Cinnamon from Costco is the best damn Cinnamon I've ever had.
  6. Sugar free syrup is a lot better with a tablespoon of peanut butter on your pancakes.
  7. I'm starting to make peace with the dumbbell lunges

Favorite Week 3 Recipes:

  • Protein pancakes are still a savior
  • Can't beat the Fuji Apple and Cottage Cheese
  • Orange-Creamsicle post-workout shake (Vanilla Whey Protein with Orange Juice)
  • Tacos with Ground Buffalo

That's about it. So on to week 4, I'm postponing free day to Wednesday this week so we'll see how that feels. Anyway...

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